Name Alaeswen Alternative Names
Age 35 (17 at impression) Gender Female
Origin Arrived at Virlante 2058 (4 turns ago)
Craft Archivist Craft rank
Parents Father: unspecified
Mother: unspecified
Siblings None Children
Appearance Alae has changed little since first arriving to stand as a candidate (see image left), however, as is traditionary of riders Alae has trimmed her hair to just below her ears and now dresses more commonly in riding gear. Her slight figure is the same, save she's grown to have a good deal more muscle then when she'd first arrived.
Personality A archivist by nature, through and through, Alae is the kind of person who can reel of dates and names (and basically anything else she's ever researched), at request - she's regularly to be found with her head buried in a record of some old hatching or Weyr or whatever else she can get her hands on. In fact, she would have been the perfect person to become a Weyr records Keeper - except for the fact that Shteth's so keen on searching.

Not that Alae's ever regretted her choice in rank, she loves that she can search others and 'make their dreams come true'. Besides which, as a searchrider she's able to visit so many places that she wouldn't be able to otherwise (and as such, has access to so many more records then she would have otherwise had).

Besides, Alae is unable to begrudge Shteth anything. Adoring her dragon, and having as strong a bond with the Copper as it's probably possible for any rider and dragon to have, Alae is rarely seen far from her bond - and even when they are apart they are almost always talking mentally. About what, no-one really knows, but they find stuff.