Rules for impression at Virlante Weyr

  • 1. Candidates for Virlante should be able to pass as human if not studied too closely.
    While Virlante Weyr is aware of the Nexus, the majority of the Weyr view it as more of a concept than somewhere they've actually been / want to go. Some (generally newer residents) remain oblivious. Consequence the vast majority of the residents at Virlante are human and primarily Pernese.
  • 2. Candidates should be aged between 15 - 25.
    For those with extended lifespans, Virlante accepts candidates who are considered 'young adults' within their species and/or considers candidates on the basis of them being young enough to confortably have 50 turns of life with a dragon under natural circumstances.
  • 3. Candidates should have no more that 4 pets at the time of standing and not be already bonded to another 'major dragonkin'.
    While Virlante is not officially strict on the number of pets that is attached to a candidate (and exceptions will be allowed), no more than four pets is strongly encouraged. An individual already bonded to a Dragon or Wher (or similarly bonding-species) will not be permitted as a candidate.
  • 4. At this time, Virlante will accept up to 3 written candidates per person, per clutch.
    This may be reduced in the case of a smaller clutch.
    In addition to this, each individual may send in up to 2 stats sheet candidates, per clutch.
  • 5. Candidates should be located on a site with a permanent URL that only their writer can edit.
    This can be a forum, a website, a live journal account etc.
  • 6. Gold Candidates will be accepted from an OOC perspective. However it maybe neccessary for them to wait a few clutches (or more) depending on the occurance of a gold hatching.
    At Virlante eggs containing Gold dragons are not evident in advance, so whether there is a gold in a clutch is unknown until hatching day. Females at Virlante are considered able to impress all colours except bronze, so no candidates are held aside incase of a gold.

A note on my intended approach to running Virlante's clutches:
I will deliberately be making Virlante's clutches larger than needed. In doing so, I do not expect to hatch all eggs individually - in a clutch of 40 eggs, for example, maybe 20 will appear in the hatching story and be paired up with candidates. The rest will be listed in the records by colour only. ie. "NPCs - 1 bronze, 2 brown, 2 grey, 3 blues, 5 greens". This approach allows me to stick to the percentages per colour planned for Virlante, while also enabling me to be flexible with colours given to candidates.

In terms of matching candidates to dragons, candidates with stories will be prioritised. If I run an RP related to the clutch (ie. a touching or a hatching), stats sheets candidates that were involved will be matched second, with non-RPd stats sheet candidates matched last. This does not mean it will not be possible for a non-RP'd stats sheet candidate to be matched with a bronze (for eg), but it will be less likely.